“When people are free to do what they want, they usually imitate each other.” – Eric Hoffer

Today, I invite you to reflect on the intriguing dynamics between freedom and conformity. This is a fascinating starting point that leads us to question not only how we exercise our freedom but also what it truly means to be free. From this reflection, we will embark together on a philosophical journey that explores authenticity, allowing us to dive into the depths of the human condition.

The Duality of Freedom and Conformity

When we look at Hoffer’s statement, we realize that freedom is not an unconditional gift; it is a responsibility that imposes a constant challenge on us. In a world where individualism is often exalted, imitation reveals itself as a contradiction to the concept of freedom. Instead of using our freedom to explore new ideas, many of us choose to follow the crowd, seeking refuge in the safety of conformity. This choice, while seemingly apparent, leads us to a crucial question: does true freedom reside simply in the capacity to choose, or is it something deeper that requires courageous and ongoing self-knowledge?
In this context, humanistic philosophy becomes particularly relevant. Freedom is a fundamental condition of human existence, and each of us is responsible for our choices. When we make authentic decisions, we confront the anguish that comes with freedom. This responsibility connects us to a deeper sense of authenticity, an essence that is often lost amid social pressures.
Existential humanism, as Sartre would say, challenges us to see freedom as an opportunity to create our own meaning. Instead of being carried away by norms and external expectations, we must fight against the tendency to imitate others. This imitation not only denies our freedom but also obscures the authenticity that should be our guide.
Imagine an artist who decides to follow megatrends, abandoning their uniqueness to align with what is considered viable fashion. This choice may bring immediate success, but at what cost? This situation is not exclusive to artists; we all, at different moments in life, can give in to the temptation to conform to others’ expectations, whether in our work, relationships, or even personal choices. The pressure to fit in can be so intense that we often set aside our true wants and passions.
When we do this, we pay a high price: the risk of losing our own austerity. Every time we choose to imitate instead of innovate, we sacrifice a part of our essence, and this renunciation can generate a profound emptiness. The question that leads us to reflection is: what is the impact of these decisions on our lives? What does it really mean to be true in our choices, especially when we are confronted with external pressure?
This reminds me of the many talented individuals I have worked with, who are in conflict with their own stories. People who, over the years, have distanced themselves from who they are for the sake of others, dedicating themselves tirelessly to meeting external expectations, whether from their spouses, family members, or society, putting their own needs and desires on the back burner. They carry the feeling that, to be good partners, mothers, fathers, or professionals, they must sacrifice their own wants. They feel they must constantly prioritize the well-being of others, molding themselves to roles that are imposed on them, until one day, the internal conflict becomes impossible to ignore.
Imagine, for example, a professional who adapts so much to the company’s expectations that they forget their own ambitions and desires. Or a young person who abandons their artistic passions to follow a career that pleases their parents, suffocating their true essence. Each of these individuals faces the same struggle against conformity, feeling the pressure to conform to external expectations.
It’s like a volcano ready to erupt. Time has passed, and looking back, these anguished individuals realize that all their decisions were made for others, and that very little was done for themselves. Confronting this reality in relation to time is overwhelming. The realization that, no matter how much they dedicate themselves to others, it will never be enough, begins to weigh heavily. And then comes the pain of a life that has been left unlived, a story written without them truly holding the pen.
True personal growth arises at this moment, but only when there is courage to transcend these fears and explore the unknown potential that has always been within each individual. By recovering this courage, the joy of living begins to be restored, and a new, more authentic meaning reveals itself.
It is essential to recognize that this search for acceptance and external approval often prevents us from exploring what we truly value and expressing our authenticity. Reflecting on these choices, we may ask ourselves: are we living a life that truly represents us, or are we merely going with the flow, like leaves carried by the wind? Time does not stop, and every day we are not true to ourselves is a day that will not return—and perhaps those are days that, in reality, were not worth living.

The Ethics of Authenticity in Relationships

“Freedom is not a gift; it is a daily conquest. By choosing to be authentic, we not only liberate ourselves but also illuminate the path for others.” – Marcello de Souza

For existentialists, true freedom requires courage to detach ourselves from external influences and to make choices that resonate with our true essence. This perspective highlights the importance of individual choice and subjectivity, emphasizing that life is a series of decisions that shape who we are. In this sense, imitation can be seen as a way of escaping the anguish that accompanies choice. By choosing to follow what others do, we often set aside the true essence of who we are and who we could be.
Instead of embracing the uncertainty that comes with decision-making, we prefer the apparent safety that conformity provides. Kierkegaard reminds us that authenticity is not a matter of being right or wrong, but rather of being true to oneself. How many times have you paused to reflect on what truly belongs to you? The truth is that we often struggle to deal with our own wants. This difficulty leads us to avoid deep questioning: what are our true passions? How can we begin to incorporate them into our lives, even if it challenges the environment we are in?
These questions are essential for our personal development. By allowing ourselves to explore these issues, we can begin to uncover the layers of conformity that surround us and create space for our true essence to manifest. The courage to look within and confront uncertainty is what allows us to live a more authentic life.

The Challenge of Authenticity and Personal Reflection

It is important to realize that it is not enough to simply tell ourselves: “go, act, follow the movement and explore the unknown!” Unlike the illusions of self-help, in real life, this approach is insufficient. That is why self-help, often, has been, is, and will continue to lead us to failure. Life is not just a series of ready-made recipes; it is a path in constant transformation, where one part is under our control, while the other part is shaped by chance.
Within us, there should exist an urgency to live fully and to free ourselves from the shackles that bind us to a mediocre existence. “Go!” – as a song from the band Marillion reminds us – embrace the uncertainty and launch yourself toward what truly matters, toward what makes our hearts beat. This call to action is intrinsically linked to our realistic perception of freedom.
Perhaps the first step is to ask yourself: am I willing to go beyond the limitations I have imposed on myself and the choices I have made so far? How can I, in my daily life, say “yes” to freedom and “no” to imitation and sameness, which often prevent me from moving forward? These questions are fundamental to starting a more authentic and meaningful journey.
Each step toward authenticity is an affirmation of our freedom, a declaration that we choose to live according to our own values and beliefs, rather than conforming to the expectations of others. It is essential to remember that in every relationship, there is you and the other person, and each is unique, with their own values, weaknesses, limits, dreams, desires, and wants. A healthy relationship is one that recognizes the other’s freedom to be who they truly are, without requiring us to give up what lies within us.
When we are not open to accepting the other in their entirety, we risk suffocating their essence. This is not only harmful; it is toxic and, why not say, abusive. This reality applies to all contexts of life. We do not change anyone, but we can, unwittingly, kill someone’s essence by ignoring their uniqueness. In other words, authenticity is synonymous with freedom, not only for our own growth but also for nurturing relationships that allow everyone to flourish in their own time and according to their priorities. This dynamic is what we call the ethics of relationships, which becomes the fundamental basis of healthy interactions.
Eric Hoffer challenges us to be sincere when looking at ourselves, questioning whether we are truly embracing our freedom. After all, recognizing authenticity in others does not mean just accepting, but also encouraging. By creating a space where authenticity is celebrated, and not merely imitated, we cultivate relationships that enrich our lives and allow us to grow together.
If you have made it this far, you must have understood that throughout our daily journey, it is crucial to be aware of our choices and the impact they have on our lives. However, this awareness goes beyond that; it is fundamental to recognize that we are responsible for the intention, action, and result of every movement we make. In a world filled with blame, victims, and the exempt, few have the courage to be who they really are, authors and co-authors of the world we build for ourselves, often cowardly influenced by external pressures.
Do not be deceived: we need to remind ourselves at every moment that freedom is not just a state of being but also a practice that requires courage. This courage compels us to recognize our actions and engage in a continuous and unequivocal reflection about ourselves. It is essential that we are unique, cultivating an internal space where we can shine, examining our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. We must question to what extent we are acting in accordance with our true essence, identifying how much of who we are truly belongs to us and how much is a construct belonging to others.
We need to have clarity not only about the losses of our past selves but also about what we no longer want to lose in ourselves. That is why I always say that the best version of ourselves lies in the clarity of who we were, who we are, and who we wish to be. By embracing this clarity, we find the strength to live authentically, allowing our true essence to manifest fully.

Paths to Authenticity and Personal Reflection

At this moment, I invite you to ask yourself: how can you exercise your freedom more authentically in your personal and professional life? What is preventing you from exploring new possibilities and challenging established norms? These questions can be a starting point for a profound journey of self-discovery and growth.
Finally, remember that each of us has the potential to become an agent of change, not only in our own lives but also in the lives of those around us. When we choose to be authentic, we not only inspire others to do the same but also create an environment where creativity and innovation can flourish. Therefore, let us allow ourselves the freedom to be who we truly are, even if it means swimming against the current.
As Eric Hoffer reminded us, “when people are free to do what they want, they usually imitate each other.” Let us, then, challenge this imitation and embrace the uniqueness that resides within each of us.

To conclude, I invite you to reflect on the theme of authenticity through a brief poem I wrote:

In the Weaving of Freedom
(Marcello de Souza)

In every step, the choice is mine,
In the dance of life, the voice rises,
Authenticity is light that is offered,
Breaking the chains, no longer hiding.

Pulsating dreams, in the vibrant soul,
Accepting the other, the essence full,
In freedom, life is constant,
And we flourish together, in the same scene.

Facing the challenge of uncertainty,
Is the price of being, the true self,
In every journey, there is beauty,
Being who we are is the dream much more than mine.

I look forward to hearing your perceptions and insights on this reflection. After all, dialogue and the exchange of ideas are fundamental to personal and collective growth. Let’s spread light and inspiration throughout the world!

And if you resonate with this approach, know that I am here to assist you on your journey of self-discovery and personal development.

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Thank you for following another exclusive post by Marcello de Souza on human behavior!
Hello, I’m Marcello de Souza! My journey began in 1997 as a leader and manager at a large IT and Telecom company. Since then, I have led significant network structuring and optimization projects in Brazil. Driven by a curiosity and passion for behavioral and social psychology, I delved into the fascinating world of the human mind in 2008.
Today, I am a professional dedicated to uncovering the secrets of human behavior and driving positive change in individuals and organizations. With a Ph.D. in Social Psychology and over 27 years of experience in Cognitive Behavioral and Organizational Human Development, my career spans various areas:
• As a Senior Master Coach & Trainer, I help my clients achieve personal and professional goals, generating extraordinary results.
• As a Chief Happiness Officer (CHO), I cultivate an organizational culture of happiness and well-being, enhancing productivity and team engagement.
• As an Expert in Language & Behavioral Development, I refine communication and self-awareness skills, empowering individuals to face challenges with resilience.
• As a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, I use advanced techniques to overcome obstacles and promote a balanced mind.
• As a Speaker, Professor, Writer, and Researcher, I share valuable insights at events, trainings, and publications, inspiring positive change.
• As a Consultant & Mentor, my experience in leadership and project management allows me to identify growth opportunities and propose personalized strategies.
My strong academic background includes four postgraduate degrees and a Ph.D. in Social Psychology, as well as international certifications in Management, Leadership, and Cognitive Behavioral Development. I am a co-author of the book “The Secret of Coaching” and the author of “The Map Is Not the Territory, the Territory Is You” and “The Diet Society” (the first of a trilogy on contemporary human behavior – 09/2023).
Allow me to be your partner on this journey of self-discovery and success. Together, we will uncover a universe of behavioral possibilities and achieve extraordinary results. I invite you to be part of my network! As a lover of behavioral psychology, social psychology, and neuroscience, I have created a YouTube channel to share my passion for cognitive behavioral development.
All data and content in this article or video are exclusive, based on philosophical concepts and proven scientific studies, to ensure the best content for you.
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Presentation and adaptation: Marcello de Souza

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