“So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth.” – Revelation 3:16

Have you ever stopped to think that living without being in control could be the most dangerous path to a mediocre life? What does it really mean to be “lukewarm” in a world that cries out for authenticity and passion? This quote is precisely what warns us, urging us to reflect on the impact of being “lukewarm,” “warm,” or “cold” in our decisions and behaviors. What is at stake here is not just a matter of faith or morality, but a direct call to our authenticity and the commitment we make to our own lives.
Being in the middle ground, in superficiality and indifference, is to lose the vitality that makes us human and pushes us toward the extraordinary. What are you willing to sacrifice to live fully? How do your choices shape the life you truly desire? Today, I want to talk about the choice of being “lukewarm,” “warm,” or “cold” and how it translates into a life worth living.


“The zone of the “lukewarm” is the space where the soul sleeps, where the flame of authenticity goes out. The choice for authenticity is the awakening of the life that cries out to be lived in all its intensity.” – Marcello de Souza

What does it mean to be “lukewarm”? In behavioral terms, “lukewarm” represents conformism — the tendency to go with the flow, avoiding risks or challenges that could take us out of our usual place and lead us to overcome ourselves. It is those moments when we drift away from our own essence, preferring the safety of the comfort zone to the boldness of being authentic. It is when we avoid choices that challenge our beliefs and prejudices, keeping us stuck in a limited perspective. The “lukewarm” is the blindness that fails to recognize its own limits. It is being right without being certain, owning truths without understanding the questions. It is linear thinking, the dual world that prevents us from seeing the nuances and complexities of life.
Being “lukewarm” is being unable to recognize and validate differences, devaluing the diversity that makes each of us singular. It is living without grace, without sparkle, and without music. It is choosing the common instead of the extraordinary, the predictable instead of the surprising. The “lukewarm” is the emptiness of oneself, a life lived in the safety of “sameness,” where everything is accepted as it is, without questioning, without transformation. In this safe territory, we avoid challenges and difficult decisions, preferring to criticize, judge, and blame others. In other words, being “lukewarm” is being more of the same.

The Comfort Zone: The Death of Authenticity

This choice of “lukewarm” has deep schematic roots in human psychology. Schemas do not arise from nothing; they are patterns of thought and behavior that form over a lifetime, beginning in early childhood and evolving as a result of lived experiences and social influences. This pursuit of conformism should not be confused with safety; in fact, it often prevents us from confronting our beliefs, shaped throughout our timeline, and embracing the diversity around us.
Sameness is an apparently safe space, but over time, it transforms into a trap that distances us from authenticity. By remaining in this familiar territory, we avoid the discomfort that often accompanies personal growth. Authenticity requires, above all, self-love; it is an invitation to challenge the status quo, question the reality we have constructed, and risk being vulnerable. When we cling to what we already know, we sacrifice the opportunity to explore our best selves, closing ourselves off in automatic and repetitive patterns.
Relationships that do not nurture, that neither warm nor cool, become insipid and empty. The “lukewarm” is the space where the flame of authenticity goes out, leading to stagnation, both on an individual level and in human connections. By seeking the safety of superficiality, we set aside self-analysis and critical reflection, losing the chance to transcend ourselves.
However, by allowing ourselves to step out of this zone where being is not authentic, we begin to ignite the flame of our own light that illuminates our lives and the lives of those around us. Thus, true security does not lie in maintaining the “lukewarm,” but in the willingness to face the unknown. Recognizing that this eternal journey in the quest to experience life can be painful is an essential step, for it is on this path that true knowledge resides. For a rich and fulfilling life, a “warm” or “cold” life, knowledge becomes an essential part of this ongoing search.

Why is “Lukewarm” Dangerous?

The danger of being “lukewarm” transcends mere absence of intensity; it manifests in a lack of meaning and ignorance that prevents us from delving into what truly constitutes knowledge. By opting for the path of least effort, we fall into the trap of superficiality. Life becomes murky, relationships take on an almost apathetic character, and our capacity to evolve dissolves in the monotony of “whatever” or “let life take me.” This inertia is not just a choice; it is an abdication of our potential to relentlessly seek our best version.
“Lukewarm” individuals become old, even in youth, by accepting mediocrity as the norm. They abandon the habit of questioning the status quo and, with their obsolescence, renounce the power of transformation that resides in each of us. The old age of the soul sets in when vitality is replaced by indifference, and passion for life drains away in favor of conformity. For the “lukewarm,” time does not flow; it becomes an emotional burden in a world of blame that weighs on existence.
When we surrender to lukewarm mediocrity, emotional bonds become superficial and devoid of depth. Imagine a leader who never takes a stand or a friendship that never transcends one’s own perception of self and surroundings. These relationships lack nourishment, but for the “lukewarm,” they neither warm nor cool — they are simply significant, without meaning. And, in the end, the “lukewarm” extinguishes the flame and the shine around them, forcing those who live with them to settle for their own shadows.


The vitality of human emotions and the meaning of existence reside in authenticity. Being warm or distant is a deliberate choice to live with integrity, without hiding behind masks or a neutral stance. The courage to take a stand, to be intense or clear, is what distinguishes a superficial life from a fully lived one. It is this that colors human relationships, whether through the warmth of affection or the precision of a constructive decision.
Being “warm” or “cold” is living as both the author and actor of your own narrative. It is taking responsibility for your emotions and decisions, transforming yourself into the axis of your own existence. Each interaction becomes an opportunity to leave an indelible mark, to contribute genuinely to the world around us. In this sense, the intense experience of being is an invitation to dive into the depths of our emotions, without fear of vulnerability; this willingness, in turn, connects us to others in a meaningful way. It is the audacity to challenge oneself, to break limits, and to surpass one’s own desires.
As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry observed, the people who cross our paths always leave something behind and take something in return. For those who emanate warmth, affection and empathy are gifts they share, while those who present themselves in a colder manner, even from a distance, offer clarity and objectivity, provoking us to reflect on our own truths. Both are fundamental in building healthy relationships, as each, in their own way, contributes to the formation of our identity and our trajectory.
However, this choice to be “warm” or “cold” is not limited to emotions; it also relates to how we perceive and interact with the world. A “warm” being engages with passion and fervor, while a “cold” being observes with discernment and reason. In a world that often promotes conformism and mediocrity, the conscious choice to be intense and true challenges us to transcend the expected, to break the cycle of “lukewarm,” and to embrace the vitality that resides in our authenticity.
Thus, by allowing ourselves to be “warm” or “cold,” we have the opportunity to create a lasting impact, not only in our lives but in the lives of those around us. Therefore, true vitality lies in our ability to love and question, to criticize and embrace, to be light and deep. Ultimately, it is this combination of warmth and distance that makes us human, unites us, and allows us to live fully.

The Importance of Being Warm: The Passion that Builds Bridges

Being “warm” is having the courage to embrace with intensity what is meaningful. This intensity does not imply the absence of conflict; on the contrary, it involves a deep commitment to the emotions and experiences that surround us. Living in a present, vibrant, and genuine manner in relationships transforms ordinary moments into memorable experiences.
A “warm” leader is one who, even in the face of adversity, maintains the energy of an inspiring vision. This type of leader not only communicates goals and objectives but also infuses hope and motivation into the team, encouraging everyone to move forward together, overcoming obstacles with creativity and resilience. The strength of such a leader lies in their ability to connect emotionally with people, creating an environment of trust and collaboration.
In personal relationships, warmth comes from sincere and genuine affection, which comforts the other, providing solace, security, and meaning. When we allow ourselves to be “warm,” we create a space where vulnerability is welcomed and valued. Life becomes vivid when we fully surrender to what moves us, allowing our feelings to flow freely. It is in this state of surrender that we find true connection, where every interaction becomes an opportunity for mutual growth.
Warmth is the vital force that generates meaningful connections, and these connections are essential for our well-being. They remind us that we are not alone in our struggles and joys. Through the warmth of affection, we create bonds that not only sustain us but also propel us to be better.
Moreover, being warm empowers us to build bridges instead of walls. In a world where divisions and misunderstandings often prevail, passion and authenticity become powerful tools for building mutual understanding. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and genuine, we open space for dialogue, empathy, and respect. This human warmth is the foundation for healthy and meaningful relationships, whether at work, in friendship, or in love.
Embracing your “warmth” means feeling, loving, and connecting with others deeply. By doing so, you not only transform your own life but also positively impact those around you, contributing to the creation of a warmer and more welcoming world. A world of meaning and also of significance.

The Cold: The Clarity of Authenticity

On the other hand, being “cold” in no way implies insensitivity or indifference. In this context, coldness represents the clarity of being direct, objective, and transparent. It is an ethical commitment in relationships, characterized by the ability to remain true to one’s own values and virtues, even when this requires confronting divergent opinions. This form of coldness is essential for authenticity in interactions and for creating an environment conducive to healthy dialogue.
Furthermore, this ethical coldness should not be confused with emotional detachment; on the contrary, it reflects a profound respect for oneself and for others. By practicing constructive coldness, we cultivate stronger and more meaningful relationships that transcend superficiality and foster mutual growth. Ultimately, this approach allows us to face the complexity of human relationships with integrity and courage, challenging us to evolve as human beings.
A teacher who challenges their students to question common sense, even if it causes discomfort, is “cold” in the best sense. They are capable of provoking deep reflections, stimulating critical thinking that is often avoided for fear of confrontation. This teacher is unafraid to be honest, even if their words provoke resistance. Coldness here is a form of love for the truth, a commitment to help others see beyond appearances.
Coldness brings an element of lucidity necessary to avoid illusions and make difficult decisions based on solid principles. In work environments, for example, a leader who stands firm with coldness is one who communicates clear expectations, provides honest feedback, and does not hesitate to address difficult issues. This coldness helps create a culture of accountability and integrity, where everyone feels challenged to develop and give their best.
Being cold means knowing how to say “no” when necessary and embracing the discomfort of honesty. This requires courage and vulnerability, as the truth is often hard to accept, both for the one stating it and for the one hearing it. However, it is in this space of coldness that true authenticity flourishes. When we are clear and direct, we create an environment where people feel safe to express their opinions, question, and learn.
Moreover, coldness allows us to maintain a certain emotional detachment, which is crucial in challenging situations. This detachment does not mean a lack of empathy but rather not being a victim of it. In other words, it is indeed the ability to assess a situation objectively, preventing emotions and feelings from clouding our judgment. This balance between warmth and coldness is essential for navigating the complexities of life and human relationships.

Breaking Conformity: The Pursuit of Uniqueness

Are you following the depth of this article so far? Are you ready to break free from the “lukewarm” and embrace the discomfort of the unknown? A fulfilling life demands decisions — not just superficial bravery, but the willingness to challenge your own limits and question the comfortable truths that bind us.
Living sensibly is recognizing and learning from our journey thus far, but true fullness resides in the now. Are we willing to open our eyes to what is yet to come? What does it really mean to live vibrantly in a world that often settles for mediocrity?
True courage does not manifest in adventures. While the lukewarm seek momentary distractions, those who truly challenge themselves face profound and transformative risks. They sacrifice not only comfort but also the security of parts of themselves they prefer to keep hidden. It is in this space of discomfort that we cultivate resilience and find the seeds of transformation.
Thus, uniqueness does not merely sprout from accepting who we are but from the willingness to challenge what we consider normal and acceptable. Every choice we make to go beyond the conventional is an invitation to explore our true potential. And you, what are you willing to sacrifice in the name of a greater purpose?
This pursuit is not solitary. By allowing ourselves to be authentic and unique, we create a safe space for others to do the same. Together, we challenge norms and build a world where diversity is celebrated. After all, as Anaïs Nin said, “Life expands or contracts in proportion to one’s courage.” The discomfort of the unknown is the true cradle of knowledge, creativity, and authenticity.

Values That Define the Journey

In the relentless pursuit of uniqueness, the values that guide us become crucial. What truly moves us? Purpose, meaning, achievements, and love are not mere words; they are the pillars that support our existence. As the philosopher Simone de Beauvoir wisely pointed out, “we change our lives by changing our attitudes.” Therefore, if we aim to build a world of belonging, we need to embrace diversity, validate differences, and recognize that each experience and each relationship holds an invaluable intrinsic worth.
This quest for authenticity becomes impossible in a lukewarm life. When we talk about hot and cold, we are also exploring self-esteem, self-love, and self-respect. We need to trust our own voices. When we value our feelings and emotions, we allow them to reveal deep truths about the choices we make. These feelings not only guide us but transform each obstacle into an enriching learning opportunity.
Consider the inspiring story of a young photographer who always had a clear vision of his purpose: to capture the beauty of the world and tell stories through his images. He was a “hot” person, full of passion and determination, aware that the journey would require strategy and continuous learning. For years, he worked in a secure corporate job, where he not only developed technical skills but also gained a deep understanding of human dynamics and what truly motivates people.
At each step of this journey, he was also “cold,” seizing every opportunity, knowing how to manage his ambition to evolve and perfect his art. Instead of seeing his job as an obstacle, he viewed it as a fertile ground for learning, dedicating his free time to photography courses, workshops, and personal projects. Each new skill acquired, each technique mastered, fueled his passion and prepared him for the transition that was to come.
When he finally decided to leave his job, it was not an impulsive choice; it was a conscious decision, grounded in a solid plan and a robust knowledge base. He was willing to sacrifice financial security and the comfort of familiarity, understanding that this sacrifice was a step toward something greater — the realization of his true potential and the quest for authenticity.
By diving into the world of photography, he not only rediscovered his passion but also became a source of inspiration for his own aspirations. His images began to resonate with the life and emotion he had always wanted to capture, reflecting all the learning and growth he experienced along the journey.
The sacrifice he made was not just leaving his comfort zone; it was an act of bringing to life the opportunities that life presented him, shaping his experiences with what he had at hand. In other words, he chose to do the best he could in the face of the reality he faced, allowing himself to embrace a fulfilling life, full of learning and meaning.
This process of self-discovery is vital; as we become more aware of who we are, we become more capable of contributing meaningfully to the lives of others. Each value we adopt reverberates in our interactions, enriching our relationships and deepening our sense of community. Thus, by embracing diversity and validating the unique experiences of each individual, we can create an environment where everyone feels valued and authentic.

Relationships That Matter

When we break away from the “lukewarm” that lives within each of us, and allow ourselves to feel, our relationships transform into something deeper and more meaningful. Each interaction becomes an ethical space, a true stage where vulnerability shines. It’s not about weakness but about courage — the courage to be whole, to expose our essence without fear of judgment from others. By presenting ourselves to the world as we truly are, and not as others wish us to be, we break the chains of conformity and become authentic.
It is in this space of authenticity that we nurture our deepest desires and pave the way for fullness. Every part of us, every triumph, and every failure becomes a valuable piece of our journey. It is a constant dance between hot and cold, where intensity intertwines with clarity, allowing us to live not just as specters on a screen but as protagonists in our own stories.
Allow yourself to be the most authentic version of yourself. By doing so, you not only transform your relationships but also redefine what it means to live fully. When you choose this authenticity, you are not only challenging yourself but also challenging those around you to break free from the masks they wear. Ultimately, it is this courage that establishes the relationships that truly matter — those that resonate with the truth of who we are.
Now, I invite you to reflect on the following powerful questions:

• What prevents you from presenting yourself as the most authentic version of yourself?
• Which relationships in your life need more intensity and clarity, and how can you cultivate them?
• How can you transform your fears into actions that connect you even more with your essence?
• What experiences would you like to live that take you beyond the “lukewarm” and make you feel the warmth of authenticity?
• What can you do today to nurture and value your relationships in a more meaningful way?

The Science of Conscious Choices

Taking a stance, regardless of the nature of the choice, sets us in motion and transcends a mere psychological issue. Neuroscience and behavioral psychology go hand in hand here, revealing that conscious decisions activate areas of the brain not only related to reward, like the nucleus accumbens, but also cortical and subcortical regions associated with strategy and logic, such as the prefrontal cortex itself. These areas are essential for risk assessment and strategy formulation, allowing us to make informed and adaptive decisions. This interaction in decision-making is influenced by both emotional and rational factors, involving both body and mind. This reinforces that conscious decisions result from a complex psychobioneurological process, encompassing the interactions between psychology, biology, and neurology.
These areas of the brain play crucial roles in our ability to assess risks, plan future actions, and regulate our emotions. The prefrontal cortex, in particular, is involved in complex decision-making processes and is responsible for executive functions, such as inhibitory control, which allows us to resist immediate impulses in favor of long-term goals. The activation of these regions during the decision-making process implies that, by taking a stance, we are not only generating an immediate reward effect but also laying the groundwork for cognitive and emotional growth.
Moreover, neuroscience suggests that conscious decisions are influenced by a phenomenon known as “social cognition,” which refers to how we perceive and interpret the actions and emotions of others. This social aspect of decision-making is particularly relevant in organizational contexts, where choices are not made in isolation. The human brain is inherently social, and studies have shown that our decisions are often shaped by social interactions and feedback. When we position ourselves in relation to a group, the activation of the reward system in the brain can be amplified by social validation, creating a positive cycle that reinforces authenticity and courage in our choices.
Moreover, the self-determination theory (see my ebook: Self-Determination – The Science of Motivation) highlights the importance of autonomy in decision-making. When we have the freedom to choose, intrinsic motivation is enhanced, leading to greater satisfaction and psychological well-being. The relationship between autonomous decisions and brain activation suggests that being able to make conscious decisions not only provides a sense of control over our lives but also activates circuits that promote learning and adaptation. This neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself in response to new experiences, is crucial for developing positive habits and building an authentic identity.
The influence of conscious decisions on human behavior also extends to our ability to face challenges and adversities. Research in behavioral psychology shows that individuals who adopt a growth mindset—the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning—are more likely to engage in challenging decisions. This mindset activates brain circuits that favor resilience, allowing individuals to view difficulties as opportunities for learning rather than insurmountable barriers.
Thus, the relationship between conscious choices, brain activation, and human behavior is complex and multifaceted. Each decision we make is not just a reflection of our personal preferences; it is an opportunity to shape our neurobiology, influence our emotions, and ultimately transform our lives. The act of deciding, when done consciously and authentically, can therefore be a powerful catalyst for personal and collective development, creating a virtuous cycle that reinforces motivation and engagement in all aspects of life.
The simple act of deciding generates a sense of well-being and progress. When we make challenging decisions, we are actually building mental frameworks that influence our decision-making processes, reinforcing the idea that conscious choices are more rewarding in the medium and long term than those that are merely habitual or lukewarm. In professional environments, for example, it is observed that organizational cultures that promote authenticity and the courage to be “hot” or “cold” tend to be more innovative. Studies, such as the one conducted by Kahn (1990), show that when individuals feel safe to express themselves, there is a significant increase in intrinsic motivation and productivity.
Positive psychology, in turn, suggests that when our actions align with our values, we enter a state of “flow,” a concept developed by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. The flow state is characterized by total immersion in an activity, where the perception of time seems to fade, and our energy is entirely focused on the present. In this state, we feel that we are in control of our lives and that we are indeed building something meaningful. Neuroscience explains this experience as a flood of dopaminergic neurotransmitters in brain regions associated with pleasure and reward, enhancing the feeling of satisfaction and achievement.
Finally, conscious choices not only shape our individual reality but also have a profound impact on social and organizational dynamics. Choosing to be authentic and to position oneself clearly and courageously contributes to creating healthier and more innovative environments where human potential can flourish.

From Common Behavior to the Extraordinary

“A person who does not venture into deep waters will never know the true strength of the currents. The comfort of the surface keeps us safe, but it is in the dive that we find the beauty that exists in each of us.” – Marcello de Souza
In practice, the transition from “lukewarm” to “hot” or “cold” is not linear; it is a gradual process that requires self-knowledge, reflection, and, most importantly, being open to facing the uncertainties and discomfort of looking sincerely at oneself. Start by asking yourself: Is this the life that is truly worth living? What elements make it worthy of being experienced? Nietzsche, in his quest for truth, might question you by asking: “Do you love your life enough to wish it would repeat eternally, exactly as it is?” If the answer is “yes,” then you are on a path of authenticity and meaning that transcends time and embraces the present with fullness.
This challenge intertwines with a Nietzschean concept: Amor Fati (Love of Fate). Accepting life in all its nuances—joys, sorrows, pains, and achievements—is fundamental. For Nietzsche, accepting the Eternal Return is a profound exercise in Amor Fati: are you capable of loving each experience, whether good or bad, as an essential part of what shapes you? It is an affirmation of life in its entirety, including its tragedies and contradictions. Just as in Stoic philosophy, which suggests a daily practice of self-evaluation, ask yourself: What acts and choices reflect my true essence? Where have I been complacent, and how can I act in greater alignment with my values?
Being “hot” or “cold” implies the capacity to face the fact that the Eternal Return can only be endured by those who have reached the state of the Übermensch (Superman). This individual transcends the limitations imposed by conventional morality, by others’ desires, and by social expectations. The Superman is hot and cold, creates his own values, and lives with passion and authenticity. He is able to affirm life with all its chaos and intensity, embracing the idea that his existence is eternal. Ask yourself: Are you ready to take on this responsibility? Are you willing to create your own destiny and embrace the greatness that resides in your authenticity?


“If we do not allow ourselves to be authentic, we risk losing our identity and the ability to positively influence those around us.” – Marcello de Souza

In a world that often rewards conformity, the true challenge is to embrace authenticity, even if it means swimming against the current. This quest is not merely a choice; it is a profound commitment to our essence. Thus, we must fight against conformity and celebrate our differences, refusing to shape our identities to fit into others’ molds.
Authenticity is not a natural state; it is a continuous choice that demands courage and commitment. It is a process of self-discovery, where we question our beliefs and values, challenging ourselves to be true at every moment. Uniqueness opposes conformity and distinguishes us in a world that tries to fit us into predefined molds.
When we choose to be “hot” or “cold,” we reject superficiality and surrender to what truly matters. Instead of living reactively, we choose to shape our reality and take responsibility for who we are and the impact we wish to make. Embracing uniqueness is to challenge the “lukewarm,” risking the joy of being ourselves, accepting our flaws as part of what makes us unique. This acceptance paves the way for growth, allowing us to evolve on our journey.
Being authentic is liberating. It is having the courage to say “no” when necessary and to embrace the “yes” with fervor. Conflicts, doubts, and uncertainties are integral to the commitment to one’s own truth. Only by dedicating ourselves to our authenticity can we live fully, becoming agents of change in the world around us.

Live Intently, Love Truly

Choosing to be “hot” or “cold” is opting to live intensely and authentically. It is refusing to accept life as it is and instead transforming it into something worth living. The “lukewarm” represents the comfort zone; the hot and cold are the realms where life truly happens. In these extremes, we find meaning, passion, truth, and connection with the world.
Do not let conformity extinguish the flame of your authenticity. Dare to be yourself, in all your colors and nuances, unafraid of the intensity of your emotions. It is in the depth of our feelings and the clarity of our choices that the true vitality of life resides. Only those who live fully can leave an indelible mark on the world. And upon realizing that you are “lukewarm,” expel all your indifferences, making room for the flames of authenticity and passion.

“Be cold or hot, but never lukewarm, for it is in the intensity of living that the true meaning of a life worth living resides.” – Marcello de Souza

So, how about starting today to break free from conformity? And you, are you willing to put aside the “lukewarm” and embrace a life with authentic and intentional choices? Share your reflections and experiences in the comments. And, if you identify with this approach, know that I am here to assist you on your journey of self-discovery and personal development.

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Hello, I’m Marcello de Souza! I started my career in 1997 as a leader and manager in a large IT and Telecommunications company. Since then, I have been involved in important projects structuring, implementing, and optimizing telecommunications networks in Brazil. Restless and passionate about the psychology of behavior and social dynamics. In 2008, I decided to dive into the universe of the human mind.
Since then, I have become a professional passionate about unraveling the secrets of human behavior and catalyzing positive changes in individuals and organizations. A Ph.D. in Social Psychology, with over 25 years of experience in Cognitive Behavioral and Organizational Human Development. With a diversified career, I highlight my role as:
• Senior Master Coach & Trainer: Guiding my clients in the pursuit of goals and personal and professional development, achieving extraordinary results.
• Chief Happiness Officer (CHO): Fostering an organizational culture of happiness and well-being, boosting productivity, and employee commitment.
• Specialist in Language and Behavior Development: Improving communication skills and self-awareness, empowering people to face challenges with resilience.
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapist: Using cutting-edge cognitive-behavioral therapy to help overcome obstacles and achieve a balanced mind.
• Family & Organizational Systemic Psychic Constellation: Based on systemic and psychic behavioral laws governing our affections, this practice offers a deep insight into the ancestral influences that shape our journey.
• Hypnotherapist: Based on the interaction between the mind and metaphors, Hypnotherapy helps overcome obstacles, unwanted patterns, and promotes self-discovery.
• Speaker, Teacher, Writer, and Researcher: Sharing valuable knowledge and ideas at events, training sessions, and publications to inspire positive changes.
• Consultant and Mentor: Leveraging my experience in leadership and project management to identify growth opportunities and propose personalized strategies.
My solid academic background includes four postgraduate degrees and a Ph.D. in Social Psychology, along with international certifications in Management, Leadership, and Cognitive Behavioral Development. My contributions in the field are widely recognized in hundreds of classes, training sessions, conferences, and published articles.
Co-author of the book “The Coaching Secret” and author of “The Map Is Not the Territory, the Territory Is You” and “The Diet Society” (the first of a trilogy on human behavior in contemporaneity – 05/2024).
Allow me to be your partner in this journey of self-discovery and success. Together, we will discover a universe of behavioral possibilities and achieve extraordinary results.
By the way, I invite you to join my network. As a lover of behavior psychology, social psychology, and neuroscience, I created my YouTube channel to share my passion for cognitive-behavioral development with more people.
Remember that all the data and content of this article or video are exclusive, written and reviewed by Marcello de Souza based on proven philosophical concepts and scientific studies to ensure the best possible content reaches you.
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