The reason for life lies in the relentless pursuit of happiness, a path that deepens even further for those who dedicate themselves to self-knowledge and cultivate a virtuous solitude. Happiness, in turn, is not a final destination, but an ephemeral and temporal journey, manifesting itself in rare moments granted to us throughout life. Unlike desires, happiness reveals itself as a state that, when experienced, we wish to prolong infinitely, but which inevitably dissolves like a dream at dawn.
Desires, on the other hand, possess a different nature: when we attain one, we often find ourselves trapped in the emergence of a new yearning, feeding an endless cycle that reflects the human condition and its incessant search for more. Human beings are, by nature, desiring beings. It is at this point that the need arises to understand will, something that transcends mere desire and connects to a greater purpose—a anchor that gives meaning to living. Will is not confined to mere momentary pleasures; it is the force that drives us to overcome sacrifices, anguish, and the inevitable wounds along the way. It is what propels us forward, even when desires reveal themselves as fleeting and insatiable.
For the will, there is a singular meaning: the moment when, looking at oneself, we realize that the journey, with all its nuances and sacrifices, was worth it. This instant is what I call ‘finite fullness’—a state in which complete happiness manifests because the will and the trajectory justify themselves in a unique and ephemeral meeting that is absolutely significant. This moment is brief, and precisely because it is fleeting, it becomes even more valuable, for it is there that the true meaning of existence is realized.
However, for the will, the outcome does not translate into permanence or possession, but into a genuine appreciation for what has been lived, for the experience itself. It is not the accumulation of achievements or the continuous satisfaction of desires that brings this feeling, but the awareness that, at some point in the journey, there was a greater meaning, a profound connection with one’s own being.
Thus, living is being present in body and soul, recognizing the richness of the moment that manifests in constant motion—a meeting between the present of the past and the present of the future. It is a delicate dance between wills, desires, and happiness, where these elements intertwine and, when understood and embraced, nourish the soul and guide us toward higher and more meaningful purposes. It is a continuous adventure of re-significations, where living in the present does not imply erasing the past or ignoring the wounds and anguishes that have shaped us; on the contrary, it is to integrate these experiences as an essential part of our journey, recognizing that they provide us with the capacity to love and value ourselves.
In this way, we attribute depth to our feelings and experiences, transcending the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary in every lived moment. By allowing these forces to coexist and harmonize, we value each moment, recognizing that the present is, in fact, a sum of all that we were, are, and aspire to be. The beauty and complexity of our existence lie in the full acceptance that the now is a continuous reflection, a point of connection between all the temporalities that form us. And it is exactly about this dance between desires, wills, and the depth of the present that we will discuss in this article today.


The perception of the essence of who we truly are is intrinsically connected to the clarity we cultivate in our deliberations about what truly matters to us. This clarity invites us to dive deep into our yearnings, challenging us to explore the layers that compose them and to understand how these desires shape our identity and life trajectory. When reflecting on what we seek, we are confronted with a fundamental question: which of our desires are superficial, and which nourish our deeper purposes?
It is in this space of discernment that we find the anguish of everyday life, often fueled by ephemeral desires that take us away from our true essence. Clarity, then, becomes a vital tool, allowing us to distinguish between these fleeting yearnings and those that truly guide our actions toward a more authentic life. In this context, self-love emerges as an essential practice, where we embrace not only our aspirations but also our scars and the challenging moments that have shaped us. This acceptance of lived experiences drives us to seek a greater meaning in our lives, transcending the quest for momentary pleasures.
Thus, by living with awareness and presence, we allow our true essence to flourish and manifest fully and meaningfully. The intrinsic understanding of our desires is not merely a reflection of our aspirations; it is a mirror that reveals our choices and directs our path. Human beings, by nature, are driven by desires that guide them toward life. In this sense, the values we embrace become fundamental in forming these choices, delineating the path we follow and establishing an essential alignment between who we are and who we wish to be.
In this process, clarity about our values and desires not only gives meaning to what we think but also underpins the construction of our identity and our trajectory. By recognizing this interconnection, we are invited to cultivate a life that not only seeks happiness but also commits to embracing the complexity of existence, in order to find meaning in the nuances of our journey. Now I ask you: what moments in our lives have made us feel the difference between happiness and desire? Can you perceive how absent you are from your own present?

“Consciousness is an empty bottle in the ocean of affections in a maelstrom.” (Nietzsche)

In this context, consciousness presents itself as an empty bottle floating in the tumultuous waters of an ocean full of affections, immersed in a maelstrom of emotions and sensations. Each thought is a wave that forms and unfolds, carrying with it our sensory experiences. What we think is, ultimately, a reflection of what we feel; in other words, there is no way to dissociate reason from affections. The interpretation of our thoughts cannot be complete if we do not understand the emotions that underlie them. Therefore, we cannot escape the labyrinth of emotions without first allowing ourselves to fully experience them.
Throughout your journey, have there been moments when you truly felt happy? What did these moments teach you about your desires? I want you to realize that life reveals itself as an intricate set of relationships, a whirlwind of sensations that leads us to joy or sadness. These affections, in their sovereignty, are the protagonists of our existence, shaping not only our actions but also the essence of who we are.
Recognizing that all actions are governed by sensations and that all thoughts spring from a fertile ground of feelings, we realize that living is much more than simply existing; living is an immersive experience of emotion. It is the celebration of sensation, a constant interplay with others and with oneself. The problem is that in many moments of happiness, we forget to ask: did these moments bring clarity about what we truly desire? What new understandings about our own journey have emerged from them?
When someone asks us how life is going, the answer should go beyond superficiality; the problem is that we naturally respond through emotion rather than our feelings. “How is life?” is an invitation to introspection, a recounting of our interactions, of our affections with the world around us. Life, therefore, becomes the representation of the intensity with which we relate — a dance between depth and lightness, where each step is a choice that shapes our next experience. This dynamic not only enriches our understanding of the human condition but also impels us to reflect on the importance of cultivating a state of awareness that embraces both the joys and the pains of life.
Mindfulness thus becomes an essential tool on the journey toward conscious happiness. When we allow ourselves to dive into the depths of what we feel, we understand that the true meaning of life does not reside solely in external achievements but in the way we experience the present. The connection between will, desire, and happiness becomes even more evident, creating a virtuous cycle that drives us to seek fullness and authenticity in our lives.
It is in this intertwining of emotions and experiences that the true beauty of existence lies, an invitation to live with awareness and intentionality. Therefore, allow yourself to feel joy, sadness, and anger; experience your feelings, for they are all essential to a more complete understanding of yourself. It is the way body and mind express themselves, telling you what you should be truly listening to about yourself. For this reason, do not tire of asking yourself: what emotions have you been avoiding that could teach you something valuable? And more: what is trying to speak to you?

Cultivated Relationships Are Not Just Interactions

The relationships we cultivate are not just interactions; they are deliberate choices that fragment and shape the quality of our existence. Each choice carries with it a sense of belonging, a unique bond that connects us to the vast system that intertwines humanity. Thus, life unfolds in systems of connections, where the quality of our relationships reflects the depth of our being. It is in the exact measure of how we relate — whether with others, with nature, or with ourselves — that we find the true meaning of life. This dance of affections invites us to deepen, expand, and enrich our awareness, making each moment an opportunity to experience the fullness of existence.

“What is good? – Everything that increases in man the feeling of power, the will to power, the very power itself. What is bad? Everything that arises from weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that a resistance has been overcome. Not satisfaction, but more power. Not peace finally, but war; not virtue, but excellence.” (Nietzsche)

Life reveals itself as a constant effort to find and affirm our belonging within the complexity of human experiences. Not recognizing belonging is, in fact, denying our own essence and preventing the identification of our deepest values. This inability to connect with what we truly value inhibits the understanding of our sense of purpose, making us seem adrift in a sea of uncertainties. The lack of purpose is directly linked to the loss of the will to surrender to life itself, turning it into a bland journey filled with frustrations, where dreams dissipate into emptiness and sadness, imprisoning us in a state of powerlessness, unable to manifest who we truly are.
On the other hand, by cultivating meaningful relationships and recognizing how much they represent of us, we will be able to unravel the essence of what it truly means to live fully. We will be empowered to ask ourselves: What steps can we take today to deepen our connections and rediscover the best version of ourselves?

The Chains That Bind Us

We are often shackled to others’ expectations, becoming dependent on others’ approval while hiding behind a mask that conceals our true identity. This cowardice in showing ourselves to the world, with our vulnerabilities and aspirations, deprives us of building a reason that frees us. What is reason, if not the introspective translation of experiences that shape our emotions? It emerges from the intrinsic dance between our affections and the conscious perception of ourselves, as if emotions are the colors that paint the picture of our actions and give meaning to everything we feel. It is feelings that shape and give value to our experiences, making them authentic and meaningful. Without them, our experiences become neutral and devoid of depth.
This same feeling permeates our affections, revealing the richness of our human experience. When we ignore the vital influence of affections, we surrender to a submission that imprisons us, stripping us of the freedom inherent in authenticity. This surrender is not only an abdication of self-expression but a capitulation to the insecurities that prevent us from living fully. The absence of reason creates a nebulous lack of conviction about our role in the world, overshadowing our identity and obscuring our noblest purposes.
Furthermore, we must recognize that we are largely reflections of one another. Authenticity does not arise solely from within us but is revealed in the interactions we cultivate. Without the other, our understanding of ourselves becomes limited. Each relationship we establish has the potential to teach us something about our own essence and identity. It is in this space of exchange that self-acceptance becomes possible, for by exposing ourselves and genuinely connecting, we allow our fears and insecurities to be confronted, revealing the beauty of our vulnerability.
Without clarity about our feelings and the importance of recognizing them, we become puppets in the hands of external forces, trapped in the illusion that we are progressing, while, in reality, we sink into a cycle of failure and disillusionment. Each action and each choice transform into an automatic repetition, echoing others’ expectations. Thus, by denying our true essence, we distance ourselves from what truly matters, living in the shadow of unrealized potential and yearning for authenticity and genuine connection with our deepest desires.
It is in this state of subservience that the question of the value of our desires emerges. Without clarity about what we seek, we become susceptible to being swept away by conventions that do not reflect our inner truth. This lack of security and control only reinforces the emotional reason that drives us to exist but paradoxically keeps us imprisoned in a superficial existence. Therefore, it is imperative to turn inward, seeking the connection between the self, our affections, and values, to break the chains that bind us and embrace the vibrant essence of our being.

We Are the Greatest Experts of Ourselves

It is an indisputable fact that every thought permeating our consciousness possesses a subjective value, reflecting the most delicate and often superficial layer of the human psyche. Even in the face of the limitations that surround us, it is imperative that we use this fraction of our experience to cultivate our contentment. The search for inner balance must be grounded in reason, becoming a powerful tool to free us from the chains that bind us to the gaze of others. In this context, we are the only ones authorized to be experts on ourselves, for, after all, no one can know us as intimately as we do. Choices are non-transferable, and therefore, the responsibility of discovering our path resides exclusively with us. The other, in its essence, cannot define who we are; this is an individual journey. The uniqueness of being is preserved as we commit to our decisions, affirming our individuality. Each choice becomes a conscious step in the construction of our identity, a systematic exercise of self-knowledge that intertwines with reason. In this intricate process of self-discovery, virtues emerge as allies of desire, forming a central core where being asserts itself as an evolving individual. This transition leads us from a state of mere self-preservation to a space of enhancement, where the pursuit of excellence becomes an existential imperative. It is in the constant struggle between sadness and joy, between being passive and active, that we find the possibility of experiencing fleeting moments of our true selves. Thus, each step taken is an affirmation of life, a celebration of authenticity, and an invitation for the deep self to fully manifest in the world in the form of joy.
However, it is crucial to remember that, while we are the experts of our own lives, our understanding of who we are is inevitably influenced by our interactions with others. Each relationship we establish serves as a mirror that reflects not only our qualities but also our insecurities. It is in this space of interconnection that we can expand our perception of ourselves, recognizing that authenticity is not an isolated state but rather a collective dance of authenticity, where the acceptance of others is essential to our own acceptance. The truth is that we are composed of our relationships; the other is an indispensable component of our existence. Without the other, we would not know who we are. Therefore, by nurturing our relationships with sincerity and vulnerability, we not only celebrate the authenticity of the self but also recognize the depth of human interdependence. The path to self-understanding is thus a journey taken together, where the virtue of acceptance—both of oneself and of others—becomes the key to unlocking true freedom.

“The future is not a place we are going to, but a place we are creating. The path to it is not found, but built, and the act of doing so changes both the builder and the destination.” (John Schaar)

Who knows, then, if the metaphorical function of the soul is not, in fact, a reflection of the divine trait that resides in each of us? Perhaps the truly virtuous being is one in which each facet of time operates in its exact measure—neither less nor more—playing the role it has been challenged to fulfill, always guided by reason. In this sense, the mastery of reason is the essence of the virtue of austerity; it is the courage that drives us to face challenges, the prudence that guides us in our decisions. Reason is the intrinsic virtue of the rational part of being and is completed only through the experience of living. It is the knowledge revealed in daily life, in interactions, and in the reflection on our actions.

The Dance of Emotions and the Search for Awareness

On the other hand, it may be pertinent to affirm that our hesitations and insecurities emerge in moments when the parts of the soul cannot fulfill their functions adequately or when they perform them excessively. This often occurs in situations of conflict between alienation and reason, where distortions of reality distance us from our true selves. We cannot always be right, and this inability can lead us to a state of confusion. The interaction we establish with the world is an intrinsic reaction to the experiences it provides us, and our awareness is but a fragment in the vastness of the universe. This relationship is, therefore, immeasurable, complex, and filled with nuances. Understanding all the reasons that drive us is essential to discovering who we are, why we are, and how we are. However, this understanding only becomes feasible when we rescue the effects of the world’s actions upon us, a task that proves distant and often unattainable.
Have you ever asked yourself: Am I living the life I dreamed of, or am I simply accepting the one that was presented to me? No! That is why, in moments of uncertainty, we often find ourselves lost in our alienations. The recognition of the origin of our emotions and reactions is only possible in the fullness of the present—in the now—and it becomes improbable to understand it in its entirety, as the world is constantly undergoing transformation. These changes, as challenging as they may be, bring with them the deepest meaning of life. They drive us to seek more, to become more, reminding us that, despite adversities, the journey itself is a continuous construction, filled with learnings and renewals. For this, one must have the courage to self-question: Does the life I am living truly belong to me? Am I acting according to my values and desires, or am I merely following the expectations of others? Do I feel that I am fully living in the present, or am I trapped in worries about the future and regrets about the past?
If we cannot shine as a whole, let us at least illuminate the fragments of our existence. Life itself is a temporary phenomenon, an ephemeral passage that invites us to recognize that each moment is a singular opportunity. This reality urges us to look at the small things that often go unnoticed, but which, when illuminated by our attention and presence, reveal their intrinsic beauty. In this moment, allow yourself to answer: What parts of me are not being heard or recognized?
Each interaction, each shared laugh, and even each tear shed carries with it a lesson and a meaning, shaping who we are. When we recognize that everything in life is transient, we are propelled to live more fully and consciously. This understanding helps us embrace impermanence, transforming it into an invitation for authenticity.
In this recognition of ephemerality, we find the courage to be vulnerable and authentic, allowing ourselves to experience life in its fullness. May we thus illuminate not only our own fragments but also those of others, creating a network of understanding and support that enriches our experiences. After all, by accepting the transience of life, we learn to value every moment, every connection, and to find meaning in the interactions that compose our journey.
If we are, indeed, the reflection of our relationships, it is imperative that we develop the ability to resist the forces of the world that often seem overwhelming. Therefore, we must be clear: Do my relationships strengthen me and help me know myself better, or do they contribute to my alienation? Human imperfection is an invitation to look at the world through a personal lens, where perspective shapes how we experience interactions.
“Those who dance are considered crazy by those who cannot hear the music.” This reflection by Nietzsche reminds us that experiencing reality is a dance that only a few are able to appreciate.
Human imperfection is an invitation to look at the world through a personal lens, where perspective shapes how we experience interactions. May our experiences at least teach us the humility needed to recognize that each of us carries a unique interpretation of the world. We are immersed in a vast fabric of meanings, constantly struggling to maintain lucidity amidst the confusion. Therefore, do not hesitate, from time to time, to ask yourself: In which moments do I feel most authentic and connected to my true self?

Focusing on the Now is an Act of Resistance

The question of Being is what concerns man the most. However, man is what has forgotten Being the most.” With Heidegger’s words, we are urged to remember the importance of being present in every experience, reclaiming what truly matters. Deep down, what permeates our existence is a desperate search for joy and an effort to avoid sadness. However, this journey is not always simple. Man walks amidst incessant struggles, where each moment reveals a unique experience and each experience, a singular narrative.
If we do not act with this awareness, we risk transforming our stories into limiting scripts, depriving us of the clarity needed to appreciate life itself. Finding, in the world around us, the small details that bring joy is a challenge. It is difficult to rejoice in the world as it presents itself; therefore, it is essential to reconcile reality with the nuances of joy and sadness, rather than allowing oneself to be swept away by fear or hope.
Focusing on the now is an act of resistance and enchantment. The real is not just a triviality or a burden, but a deeply meaningful manifestation that, once lived, will not be repeated. To know how to live is, therefore, an invitation to marvel at the world, valuing it in its essence at the very moment we are in it. Each experience, each emotion, each interaction is an opportunity to connect more deeply with life, revealing the beauty that resides in impermanence.

Embracing the Real

Within every human being resides an essence, anchored in a degree of reality that manifests in the lucidity of the now. This lucidity, this intensity, is the measure of human essence—a flame that can ignite or extinguish but never ceases to exist. Alienation, though seductive, is an easier path. To love a distant future, to desire what we do not yet possess, to justify oneself with what transcends, may seem a simpler journey, but it is an endless crossing.
Why not embrace the real when it emerges? To feel life not in a displaced manner, but with the fullness of the consciousness of the now, allowing our intuitions to align with the symphony of the world and contribute to a greater purpose. Those who reach reason act autonomously; those who connect with intuition achieve a full state of being. Thus, the meaning of life can be found in the pursuit of understanding the reason for living.
Being is living in communion with the infinite possibilities that belong to us. It is to take responsibility for our lives and for the freedom to choose our own path, always anchored in the present. The true meaning does not reside in temporalities or external influences but in the inner voice of feeling that echoes in our introspection at every moment. Our choices, often sources of anguish, are reflections of the values that define us. These values are unique, for we are singularly desiring in a plural world of affections.
The truth is that something thinks in each of us, and this awareness is essential when making choices about the next moment. By connecting with this inner voice, we find not only our purpose but also the essence of being, where willpower lives in fullness. Each thought, each choice, each emotion is an expression of this deep being that pulses within us, waiting to be revealed in its authentic brilliance.
It is vital to remember that, in a world that often leads us to seek happiness in external sources, true fullness comes from self-exploration and the building of meaningful relationships. As the Dalai Lama said: “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” Therefore, focusing on the now is an act of courage. It is in the present that we find opportunities to reconnect with our deepest emotions and values. By setting aside external distractions and social pressures, we allow our true essence to manifest.
Mindfulness invites us to experience life in all its complexity—embracing both joys and sorrows, recognizing that both are essential for our growth. Each moment becomes a new chance to rediscover who we are, freeing ourselves from the bonds of others’ expectations and embracing the authenticity that resides within us.
Thus, may we commit to the practice of now, allowing life to unfold in all its beauty and authenticity. In a world filled with distractions, why not dedicate a few minutes of your day to a conscious pause? Ask yourself: “What truly matters to me at this moment?”
As you reflect on your choices today, consider how they impact not only your life but also the future around you. Remember: by connecting with our essence and those who truly matter, we orchestrate a rich and meaningful life. May we always remember that life is a delicate dance between our desires and wills. By knowing ourselves, we create a symphony that resonates eternally. Ask yourself daily: How can I dance this music of life in a more authentic and meaningful way?

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Thank you for following another exclusive post by Marcello de Souza on human behavior!
Hello, I’m Marcello de Souza! My journey began in 1997 as a leader and manager at a large IT and Telecom company. Since then, I have led significant network structuring and optimization projects in Brazil. Driven by a curiosity and passion for behavioral and social psychology, I delved into the fascinating world of the human mind in 2008.
Today, I am a professional dedicated to uncovering the secrets of human behavior and driving positive change in individuals and organizations. With a Ph.D. in Social Psychology and over 27 years of experience in Cognitive Behavioral and Organizational Human Development, my career spans various areas:
• As a Senior Master Coach & Trainer, I help my clients achieve personal and professional goals, generating extraordinary results.
• As a Chief Happiness Officer (CHO), I cultivate an organizational culture of happiness and well-being, enhancing productivity and team engagement.
• As an Expert in Language & Behavioral Development, I refine communication and self-awareness skills, empowering individuals to face challenges with resilience.
• As a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, I use advanced techniques to overcome obstacles and promote a balanced mind.
• As a Speaker, Professor, Writer, and Researcher, I share valuable insights at events, trainings, and publications, inspiring positive change.
• As a Consultant & Mentor, my experience in leadership and project management allows me to identify growth opportunities and propose personalized strategies.
My strong academic background includes four postgraduate degrees and a Ph.D. in Social Psychology, as well as international certifications in Management, Leadership, and Cognitive Behavioral Development. I am a co-author of the book “The Secret of Coaching” and the author of “The Map Is Not the Territory, the Territory Is You” and “The Diet Society” (the first of a trilogy on contemporary human behavior – 09/2023).
Allow me to be your partner on this journey of self-discovery and success. Together, we will uncover a universe of behavioral possibilities and achieve extraordinary results. I invite you to be part of my network! As a lover of behavioral psychology, social psychology, and neuroscience, I have created a YouTube channel to share my passion for cognitive behavioral development.
All data and content in this article or video are exclusive, based on philosophical concepts and proven scientific studies, to ensure the best content for you.
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Presentation and adaptation: Marcello de Souza

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