Today, I want to delve into the duality of human perception, into the subtle art of seeing beyond appearances. Once I read a phrase that said, “Some people cry because they know roses have thorns, others smile because they know thorns have roses!” I’m not sure of the author, but the truth is, in this reflection, we are invited to transcend the surface of experiences and contemplate the complexity of life with a deeper and more discerning vision.
In a world where expectations often collide with reality, we need to learn to question our reactions in the face of the inherent dualities of existence. The tears that fall upon realizing the thorns in roses reveal a tendency to focus on adversities, on what causes pain and discomfort. However, there is an intrinsic beauty in the conscious acceptance of any and all difficulties.
On the other hand, those who smile at the awareness that thorns have roses demonstrate a peculiar wisdom. They embrace not only the lush flowers but also the valuable lessons contained in challenging moments. It is a celebration of duality, recognizing that both roses and thorns are inseparable parts of the garden of life.
This reflection urges us to cultivate a perspective that transcends superficialities, to develop the ability to find beauty even in situations that may seem adverse at first glance. By adopting this mindset, we transform tears into smiles, understanding that true wisdom lies in the acceptance and appreciation of the entirety of the human experience.
May this new year bring us the choice to smile, recognizing that each thorn carries the promise of a rose. May we embrace the duality of life with a serenity that transcends tears, and in the end, may our smiles blossom as witnesses to our deeper understanding of the complexity and beauty of existence. #DeepPerspective #ConsciousAcceptance #DualityOfLife #SubtleTransformation #BeautyInAdversity #coachingAndYou #marcellodesouza

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